Cary Katz, a Las Vegas billionaire and one of the state’s largest Republican political donors, has sued an arm of Conservative Review over a $20 million loan. Katz filed the lawsuit against CRTV. Cary Katz, a Las Vegas billionaire and one of the state’s largest Republican political donors, has sued an arm of Conservative Review over a $20 million loan. Katz filed the lawsuit against CRTV. Total life earnings: $30,678,757. Latest cash: $82,800 on 29-Jan-2021. Click here to see the details of Cary Katz's 209 cashes. Found: Cary Katz. We have 5 records for Cary Katz ranging in age from 48 years old to 71 years old. Cary has been found in 4 states including Florida, New Jersey, Georgia, Illinois. Possible related people for Cary Katz include Abigail E Katz, Daniel Joseph Katz, Joshua D Katz, Stewart J Katz, Laura Elizabeth Jeffers, and many others. Pro poker player and student loan mogul Cary Katz is looking to draw the right buyer for the $22 million mansion he just put on the market in Las Vegas. The College Loan Corp.
- 30100 Social Intervention: Programs and Policies

Job experience
- Psychotherapist (Foster Care Unit), Children’s Aid Society, Bronx, NY
- Supervising Social Worker, Safe Horizon (Tier II DV Shelter), NY, NY
- Shelter Manager/Case Manager, Domestic Violence Center of SCV, Newhall, CA
Fields of Special Interest
- Clinical social work education
- Evidence-supported interventions for traumatized youth
- Intergenerational transmission of violent behavior
Prevention of child maltreatment
Prevention of intimate partner violence
Child and adolescent mental health
- Cary, C. & McMillen, J. C. (2012) The data behind the dissemination: A systematic review of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for use with children and youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 748-757.
- Courtney, M., Dworsky, A., Brown, A., Cary, C., Love, K & Vorhies, V. (2011) Midwest evaluation of the adult functioning of former foster youth: Outcomes at age 26. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.

- Lens, V. & Cary, C. (2010). Negotiating the discourse of race within the United States welfare system. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33, 1032-1048.


- Cary, C. (2012, January). Evaluating the Self-Expressed Unmet Needs of Emancipated Foster Youth Over Time. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research,Washington DC.
- Cary, C. (2012, January). Does the Hype Match the Data? A Systematic Review of TF-CBT for Use with Traumatized Youth. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Social WorkResearch, Washington, DC.
Cary Katz Poker Player
- Cary, C. (2013, January). Emancipated Foster Youth and Intimate Partner Violence: An Exploration of the Factors That Put Youth at Risk. Paper presented at the Annual Conference for the Society of Social Work Research, San Diego, CA.